St. Luke's Episcopal Health Charities Accepting Nominations for Third Annual Community Health Leadership Award 2007
Released July 1, 2007
St. Luke’s Episcopal Health Charities’ annual Community Health Leadership Award was established in 2005 to recognize a non-profit community health leader who has not been fully recognized for his or her work in "Advancing Community Health: Body, Mind and Spirit." The nominee should embody the operating values of the Charities: informed action, collaboration, and empowerment. This award intends to honor an individual who is actively engaged in community work and who exemplifies leadership in the collaborative nature of community health work. Memorial awards will not be considered.
A gift of $50,000 will be presented to the non-profit agency, in good standing, of the honoree’s choice. The honoree selected will be notified of his or her selection by September 24, 2007. The honoree and the nominator will be invited to attend an awards dinner hosted by SLEHC on October 24, 2007.
For more information and the submission form:
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Please note only one copy of the completed nomination submission and supporting materials is needed.