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Interactive Mapping

Interactive Health Data Mapping   
Welcome to the Charities Interactive Health Data Mapping Portals. The portals allow users to identify geographic areas of interest and obtain information about the community resources available and statistics on the population and health-related characteristics of that area. Data currently available through our interactive mapping portals are listed below. We are constantly adding to these data sets, and we hope you will visit our site frequently to see what's new.

Geographic Boundaries allow you to visually define particular areas, including local and state elected officials' districts, zip codes, and census tracts.

Population Data include population by age, race/ethnicity and income.

Birth Data include birth rates by birth weight, race/ethnicity, mother's age and education, and prenatal care.

Cancer Incidence Data include incidence rates from 1995-2007 individually or across multiple years.

Mortality Data include death rates from 1995-2007 individually or across multiple years.

Uninsured Data include estimates of the uninsured population under age 65 in the Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area from 2003-2005.                               

Through research-informed grantmaking to Texas nonprofits, St. Luke's Episcopal Health Charities, a separate component of St. Luke’s Episcopal Health System, improves community health and reduces health disparities.  Our Center for Community-Based Research is dedicated to community-based participatory research practices that foster informed action, collaboration and empowerment for the medically underserved and other vulnerable populations.

© 2012  St. Luke's Episcopal Health Charities