Welcome to St. Luke’s Episcopal Health Charities Internet (the Charities) Grant Application. The Charities requires all applicants to submit their application via the Internet. Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher is recommended. If you are unable to submit your application through the Internet, please call Celene Meyer at 832-355-4984 for assistance.
Please read the following guidelines and instructions, before attempting to Apply Online.
To facilitate the grant application process, please be sure to read our revised guidelines. .
Before getting started please review The Charities' Grant and Evaluation Guidelines, Examples of Measurable Goals, Sample Outcome Measures.
Have your IRS Tax ID Number and know the county which will be served by the grant.
Review the entire online application before entering information. Page 5 of the application lists the required supporting documents for both new and renewal requests.
Your answers should be clear and as concise as possible. There are word limitations for certain fields.
Applicants are encouraged to create a draft application in their word processing program and then paste into the appropriate fields on The Charities' online application. The draft copy can be saved on your computer and updated for future applications to prevent having to re-type the entire application. Print out a copy of the online application to use as a guide to create your draft. Please remember to perform a spell check on the final version.
Tables and charts cannot be pasted into the response blocks.
The application form must be completely filled out and required supporting documents attached in order for your application to be considered for funding. Sometimes the same information is asked for more than once; this is required to populate specific fields within The Charities' grant management software.
Remember to always save your work before exiting the application and before selecting to print out a Printer Friendly Version.
The Evaluation Plan and Report Criteria is required as part of the application. The Charities requires all grant recipients to measure their success in attaining program goals. The purpose in asking for an evaluation plan in the application phase is to: a) encourage potential grantees to incorporate evaluation into their planning process from the inception of the program, and b) to enable outcomes measurement during and at the end of the grant period.
Review supporting document requirements for new and renewal requests located on page 5 of the online application.
Have appropriate documents ready to UPLOAD with your online application. The Charities prefers to have required documents uploaded with the online application. However we do understand this may not always be possible and will accept these documents sent via U.S. Mail. Please mail to: St. Luke’s Episcopal Health Charities, Attention: Grants Officer, 3100 Main, Suite 865 (Mail Code 3-206), Houston, Texas 77002. Include a copy of your final application. Documents must be received in The Charities' office no later than 5 p.m. on the application deadline date.
Always Save Your Work before exiting the application and before printing out a Printer Friendly Copy.
You may click "Save and Finish Later" to exit and save your application. The system will set up your secured application account by asking you to enter your e-mail address and a password. The system will then send you a confirmation e-mail to the e-mail address you entered. The e-mail will give you the URL where your application will be stored and confirm your password. To access your application, you must go through the new URL not the slehc.org website.
When returning to your application remember to click UPDATE to save changes before Saving and Finish Later and before clicking to SUBMIT.
When you have completed and reviewed your application click SUBMIT to send it to The Charities. You will not be able to access your application once it has been submitted.
Remember to keep a copy of the final application for your files.
Saves applicants time and the cost of reproducing and mailing proposals.
The Charities Internet Grant Application allows prospective and returning grantees to complete the form over multiple sessions. Applicants can begin filling out a form, save their work, and come back later to complete it.
Applicants will be provided with a secured My Account page and login. The My Account Web page allows applicants to review their submitted applications, and access any incomplete or pending applications.
In addition, applicants can now attach supporting materials (i.e. budgets, evaluation reports, tax status documents, etc.) to their online applications using the new UPLOAD Feature. To UPLOAD a document, the document must be in an electronic file format. The BROWSE button, allows you to select the appropriate file(s) from your computer. All attachments are automatically scanned for viruses before being uploaded.
All applicants will receive an instant e-mail confirming the submission of their application.