St. Luke’s Episcopal Health Charities
2002 Board of Directors
Mr. John T. Cater, Chairman
The Rt. Rev. Claude E. Payne
Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Texas
Mr. Michael K. Jhin
President & CEO, St. Luke’s Episcopal Health System
Ms. Franci N. Crane
The Rev. John K. Graham, M.D.
The Rev. Canon Dena A. Harrison
Mrs. Evelyn E. Howell
Mrs. Marjorie Bintliff Johnson
Darwin R. Labarthe, M.D., Ph.D.
M. David Low, M.D., Ph.D.
Mrs. Myra A. McDaniel
Mrs. Florence Wells McGee
Mr. Clark Moore
Mrs. Catherine Clark Mosbacher
Mr. Paul B. Murphy, Jr.
Mrs. Mary M. Robson
The Rev. Frankie Paul Rodriquez
Peggy B. Smith, Ph.D.
The Rev. Henry W. Strobel, Ph.D.
Mr. David M. Weekley
Mrs. Gloria White
Mrs. Sally Bell Rutherford, Diocese of Texas Liaison
Carla M. Cooper, Ph.D., Executive Director