
Quality - OzoneAttainment, Non-Attainment, and Near Non-Attainment
for Ozone standards DomainPhysical environment Rationale
for use of indicatorThis is one of several indicators that provide a view
of environmental concerns in a specific county. Ozone is an indirect pollutant.
A natural form of oxygen, it becomes a component of smog when combined with other
substances in the air. Ozone pollution is produced when volatile organic compounds
in the air, such as gasoline vapors, oil refinery leaks, car emissions, dry cleaning
fumes, and paint fumes, react with nitrogen oxides and sunlight. Non-attainment
and near non-attainment counties are those designated as such under the Texas
Natural Resource Conservation Commission's State Implementation Plan. Attainment
counties are all others. Health EffectsOzone in the air reacts with
lung tissue and can cause breathing problems. The risk of asthma may be increased
and people may cough and have chest pains. "Responders" (persons especially sensitive
to ozone), people with pre-existing respiratory diseases (asthma, emphysema, bronchitis,
pneumonia, and colds), and people who exercise outdoors are particularly vulnerable
to the effects of ozone. Data Source Texas Environmental Almanac,
Texas Center for Policy Studies, Austin TX, 1995 ReferencesChildren
at Risk. The indicators. [Online: http://www.childrenatrisk.org/the_indicators.html
] July 1999.
USDHHS.Healthy people 2000: national health promotion
and disease prevention objectives: full report, with
commentary. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Health
and Human Services, Public Health Service; 1991. Report
No.: DHHS publication no. (PHS) 91-50212.
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