The keystone
of the Community of Hope is Benedictine spirituality, devoted to
the care of the whole person: mind, body and spirit. This inspires
persons to seek balance, simplicity, and harmony between the inner
work of Christian meditation, sacred reading (lectio divina),
and prayer and the outer work of corporate worship, pastoral ministry,
and serving others.
As stated in
the prologue of The Rule of Benedict (RB) 1500 years ago,
the Community of Hope has set out to establish a school for God's
service." We resonate with his main concern that "Care
for the sick myst rank above and before all else so that they may
truly be served as Christ whp said, 'I was sick and you visited
(Matt. 25:36) (Chittister, RB 36, p.113)
We encourage members
of the Community of Hope to "Prefer nothing whatever to Christ,
and may Christ bring us all together to everlasting life."
(Chittister, RB 72, p.177)
We believe that the renewal
and revival of these spiritual practices among the laity, both Episcopalians
and people of all other denominations, will help transform, renew,
and stabilize the church in the new millenium.