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Episcopal Homeless Initiative

The Episcopal Homeless Initiative is a joint effort led by St. Luke' Episcopal Health Charities and The Episcopal Diocese of Texas to convene homeless service providers and supporting churches to work together to find solutions to common challenges and improve effectiveness and sustainability through shared resources and outcomes.  

The Episcopal Homeless Advisory Council was formed in October 2009 to provide guidance for the initiative. Current members include program directors and board members representing The Beacon at Christ Church Cathedral, Community of the Streets at Trinity Episcopal Church and The Way Station at Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church, St. John the Divine Episcopal Church, St. Martin's Episcopal Church, the Episcopal Diocese of Texas and St. Luke's Episcopal Health Charities (the Charities).  

The Episcopal Homeless Advisory Council has worked to expand case management services in order to effectively stabilize the lives of the homeless and to help prevent at-risk families from becoming homeless. The group applied for and received a $1.25 million grant to expand/case management services through the training and utilization of volunteer case managers at The Beacon, Community of the Streets and Palmer Way Station and Community of the Streets and the partnership is open to other homeless service providers and other faiths.  The grant started in February 2010 and concludes in August 2011  

In addition, the Advisory Council works strives to provide a coordinated Diocesan-wide (One Church) effort to address the identified needs of the homeless and provide shared solutions and outcomes throughout the 57-county Diocese.    

The Episcopal Homeless Advisory Council Members 

Ann Cochran, Chair
Outreach Director
Richard Bischoff
The Beacon at Christ Church Cathedral
Dr. Patricia Gail Bray
Executive Director
St. Luke's Episcopal Health Charities  
Charly Weldon
Executive Director
The Beacon (Cathedral Health Outreach Ministries)  
Cyd Gillette
Outreach Director
St. Martin's Episcopal Church  
Andy Harvin
Community of the Streets at Lord of the Streets  
Terry Henry
Program Director
The Way Station at Palmer Episcopal Church  
Joel McGlasson
Community of the Streets at Lord of the Streets  
Celene L. Meyer
Director of Grants
St. Luke's Episcopal Health Charities  
Evelyn Nolan
The Way Station at Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church  
Thelisa Palmer
Executive Director Community of the Streets at Lord of the Streets 
Pat Simmons
The Way Station at Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church

Through research-informed grantmaking to Texas nonprofits, St. Luke's Episcopal Health Charities, a separate component of St. Luke’s Episcopal Health System, improves community health and reduces health disparities.  Our Center for Community-Based Research is dedicated to community-based participatory research practices that foster informed action, collaboration and empowerment for the medically underserved and other vulnerable populations.

© 2012  St. Luke's Episcopal Health Charities